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Should I opt to remove my cats leg?

18 15:11:49

Hello. I have a 13 year old cat with a really big tumor on her hip. she hasn't had it for that long but it has gotten really big and the vet was going to remove it yesterday but told us it was too vascular. She wanted to remove the cat's leg but we opted for a biopsy instead (it's all shaved now and looks so much worse, like the size of a baseball; it's just overwhelming how fast it grew). Would you say it is worth it to remove my cat's leg? Even if it IS cancer? I read that alot of malignant tumor are vascular. I just want to do anything I can to help her and keep her comfortable. It is a really hard time for me and my family so any advice you can give me would help. Thanks so much for your time.

Angela  -

Unfortunately without the benefit of a physical exam I am unable to help you decide what is best for your cat.  Share your concerns with your veterinarian; he/she can tell you what they think is best for your kitty.  

Also ask your vet about the quality of life if the leg is removed; it is important that she not suffer with pain and discomfort  after the pain of surgery has subsided.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM