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Rescue Dog with housebreaking problems....

18 15:58:17


Hi Hilary,

 I do think this dog has a background with abuse.  As for this being a nerves peeing issue, I think it has to be more, as it happens when no one is speaking to the dog too.  This was an incident that I was just told of today......  Owner had carpets cleaned, as she worried there might be a smell that was making dog wet on carpet.  Owner was standing in bedroom getting her son out of walked in and just wet with out even having been spoken too.....  I know the owner wants to work with and keep this dog, but she is starting to feel there's no hope.  She's had the dog about 5 weeks now....

Thanks for the input you've given!

Hi Carolyn...just a thought.  Has the dog been checked for a urinary tract infection?
Other than a behavioral problem, that's all I can think of.  I am going to look into this more and get back to you with any information I may find!
Hang in there and have a great weekend!