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Beagle Ears

18 14:42:11

Our dog has had ear infections her entire life. We have spent a lot of money taking her to the vet only for them to give us a expensive pills or ear wash. We give them to her, but her ears never get better. We have changed her food to an organic mix with no dyes, but that is not working either. She is always digging at them, and flopping her head around. I finally did research online and found an article that said it could be a yeast problem in her blood stream. Is this a real thing? If so what can we do? I feel horrible that she is in so much pain. Thank you so much for your time.

Thee is no dog ear disease caused by yeasts in her blood.  Most likely, she has some type of allergy (but not to foods) causing her ears to flare up.  If there is a yeast infection, I recommend Malacetic Ultra Otic as an ear wash/treatment.  Do this twice a day for at least 2 weeks.  In the meantime, ask the vet to put her on a high dose of a steroid to reduce the itching and swelling.  If that doesn't help, then find a vet with a video otoscope that can anesthetize your dog and do a good deep ear cleaning and exam.  It is possible that the eardrums may be perforated and that's why the medications aren't working.