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uneven pupils after ear cleaning?

18 15:22:02

We took princess, our cat, to the vet on 6/3/08 due to some redness and ear itching and though she's had this before, it seemed to be more than usual. by the time we picked her up, they cleaned her ears and medicated her. the next day, my boyfriend noticed her left eye pupil uneven. I immediately checked the net and it stated several reasons with eye infection to FLIV. she has had recent testing for FLIv and none was found and i thought it would just be infection. today, she is very unsteady when walking and i noticed her left pupil is uneven. i know the vet is available tomorrow. she usually hides under the bed and i'd like to know what possibly could have happened. other than taking her in, what else can i do for her? Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Uneven pupils after an ear cleaning can indicate that there is something going on in the middle ear cavity.  This is common in something called Horner's syndrome.  There are nerves that go to the eye that go through the middle ear of the cat. Usually, this will go away on its own, but certainly let your vet know about it.