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back problems

18 15:41:15

Dear Dr. Fry,
I have a 5 year old dachshund who is experiencing back problems.  I had him to my vet yesterday and he said there is calcium between two of the vertebrea.  He gave me a prescription for Previcox, which I gave him yesterday and one this morning.  How long should I wait for this to work?  At what point should I consider putting him down?  Are there any other treatments or medicines available before I make that decision?  I also should mention that he is dragging his back legs, although he is eating and drinking as usual, and he has not lost control of his bowels or bladder. He had this about a year ago,although not as severe, and my vet put him of Riymadil, which he did very well on, so much so that he didn't need to take it all the time.
I appreciate any help you can give me on this subject, and thank you for your time
Karen White

For back problems, I will reach for the prednisone which is a potent steroidal anti-inflammatory.   Previcox and Rimadyl and NON-steroidal.  Also 100% strict cage rest is a must.  And I also treat them with high doses of glucosamine and MSM to help lubricate the joints (Synovi MSM tablets).  Usually with the steroids, you will see improvement in a few days.  If not, then the options are going for back surgery or getting a K-9 Cart.  My one beagle had blown a disc out in her back and it took her about a month to recover but what really did the trick was the MSM.