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Help please sick terrier/chihuahua

18 15:22:34

Our dog was vomiting yesterday and today he has stopped using his left front paw and has dark red blotches on his stomach. He had dog food, a couple of bites of hamburger, and he licked our cups of smoothie which contained blueberries, strawberries, peaches, peanut butter, wheat germ & orange juice.

I am sorry I didn't see this last night. I can't see any thing in the smoothies that are toxic to dogs unless blueberries are.(they are not I have found out)
Just eating the bite of hamburger could have set him off on a bad case of pancreatitis. That is very painful and needs medical attention right away.
I hope by the time you got this you have already taken him into the vets.
Please let me know how he is.