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Maltese Reaction to bathing

18 14:33:09

My Maltese is 7 years old.  We used to live in California and currently residing in Bulgaria for the past two years.  She never had any problems in California.  Every time I give her a bath, she starts itching like crazy, her skin gets really red and she begins breathing very heavy.  It usually last for several days and she develops skin irritations and scabs.  I have tried changing shampoos but haven't seen any changes even with the expensive sensitive skin shampoos.  We were told by vets that it is her anal glands, diet, change in climates etc.  I was thinking it was the shampoo residue but have tried rinsing her really well.  I am so desperate to help my sweet doggy.

It sounds like there is something in the water that isn't agreeing with her skin. Could be a mineral in it that is irritating her skin. If it isn't the shampoos etc then I would suspect something in the water.

I would cut back on bathes to no more than two a month and use only bottled water and see how she reacts to that.

I have no clue why a vet would think that her anal glands would make her break out in a rash or irritate her skin like that.

The change in climate etc could cause changes but not if you have been there two years already.

You can try to give her a Benadryl before you bather her as well and see if that helps any.

That is about all I can think of. Sounds like an allergic reaction to something for sure.