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A Female in Heat

18 16:06:07

Hello Dr. Fry,

I have a 12 month old Italian Greyhound who is going through her first heat cycle.  I am going to get her spayed after this cycle. I was concerned about the anesthesia that will be used to do this procedure.  I read that I should have my vet use a special kind of anesthesia with her because Iggys (due to lack of body fat) react negatively to anesthesia used on larger dogs. My questions are:
When can I safely have her spayed?
What types of anesthesia is most safe for a toy gazehound?  Is ketamine a safe pre-anesthetic?

Also her teets are protruding somewhat since the start of her heat cycle (she is not pregnant and has not haad any puppies) -- will they remain this way even after she has completed her heat cycle? Will they flatten after she has been spayed?  Thank you for your response and this forum.

For these types of dogs they should not have BARBITRUATES such as thiopental.  A combination of ketamine and valium would be fine for induction of anesthesia and then they are maintained on gas such as isoflurane.  Most times they need a sedative before hand and a small dose of acepromazine with torbugesic would be fine, and that is what I usually use.

You can have her spayed 2 weeks after her heat cycle.  I have spayed dogs during heat cycles without incident as well.  

Her teats should shrink after the hormones are out of her system.