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Program Plus Ingestion by small dog

18 14:33:09

I had asked a few weeks ago about giving my dogs Program Plus and felt very good about giving it to my dogs and purchased some.I was giving my bigger dog a tablet for 48.5 - 99 lbs.He dropped it and my 15 lb dog grabbed it and ate it. I tried to gag him but couldnt.I called the small animal emergency center in my area and they said he should be fine and to watch him and if he started salivating or acted sick to bring him in. I am so worried about him even though he acts fine. He is not on any medication and I had not given him his Program Plus yet. I thought about giving him hydrogen peroxide to try and induce vomiting but they told me not to. Any suggestions? Thanks so much

It sounds like he will be fine Sherry. Program in a flea hormone and there are no side effects for most dogs. He would probably have to eat about 70 of those pills to show any effects.

But like the ER said, any sign of staggering, salivating, tremors or vomiting, you should take him in.