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Anna my 6 year old miniture dachshunt

18 14:39:01

I have a 6 years old miniture dachshunt. she was diagnosed with pneumonocysitis 4 years ago and has not had it return. she is obviously immunocomprimised as they call it. she is allergic to normal dog food and is fed low alergen as her intestines swell. she has allopecia and is the happiest most lively playful loving dog i know. Problem is about 3 months ago i took her to the vet as she went off her food. they diagnosed her with tooth abses and eventually removed teeth. this made no difference so i took her to her specialist who diagnosed her with Hepatitis. they did an asperate sample, it showed nothing serious a small infection of some bacteria and nothing else. she was on antibiotics and the alt and asp i thin starting coming down but not very quickely so they changed her antibiotics to a broader one and then the alt and asp rose, we went back to other antibiotics and it came down a little. only in two weeks to have it double to about 600 each. then it went up higher still. so we tried predesone this made no change in her blood results. she is now in for a liver biopsy. Oh forgot she has had an xray and faecal and urine tests with no problems identified. her sonar shows inflammation around the bile ducts in the liver. Is this the right course of action, is there something else to do. her blood ALT and ASP are over a 1000 now and cannot be measured so i am sure she cannot caryy on like this for much longer.. please help by making a suggestion.  

I am not a vet, but a vet tech. I think that what is being done is the best that can be done. It sounds like your vet is on top of things. This poor dog must have been born with a low immune system to have so many things going wrong with her. Poor little thing.
I am sorry to hear about her liver disease. That is a tough one for sure. Once the liver gets to a certain point it becomes a point of no return unfortunately. Hepatitis isn't easy to treat in dogs or humans, and it is a tough disease to battle.

I am sure your little dog is being very brave as are you. But you know there will come a time when she is going to have more bad days then good ones and that is when you need to step up and help her by ending her suffering. I am hoping that this is far off and that she will pull out of this.

I know of no other remedies for this unless you consult a homeopathic vet or one that does holistic medicine. She may be at the point where you don't have any thing to lose by trying it. But that is the only suggestion I have.

I am truly sorry for her pain and misery at this point. You are being a great mom by giving her the best care that you can. Bless you both and please let me know how she does.