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Kitten Chest Lump

18 15:14:16

I have taken ownership of my kitten Dot when she was saved from a field fire has been cared for by me for the last 2 months and she can't be more than 5 months old. she recently shows a lump the size of a peanut M&M under her skin but on her chest. She licks at it, as though to clean the fur but she's licking what she assumes to be a wound. there is no wound, but the lump is connected to thicker tissue that runs up her neck. She is VERY small for her age, and we'll be taking her in to get fixed quite soon, but should we except bad news or am I over reacting?

Hi Bobby - Don't worry, it may just be a lymph node that is swollen - this happens often for people and pets.  Talk to you vet about this .... They will do an exam and also pre Blood work prior to the spay.  The blood work and liver check is a good baseline exam of her condition and health.

BEST wishes..
YOU may want to start her on some Immune System Boosters for FELINES..

NuVET Feline

Only 20.00 per month -  Great to keep her healthy and well for a lifetime...