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Puppies and light

18 15:57:25

I think I just ask a question of the wrong person so now am asking you.  

When do animals and humans do their growing, during the day or at night. We have five new puppies. My husband wants to leave a bright light on in the outside room where we have the puppies but I do not think this is nature's way.  Should puppies be raised in bright light 24 hours a day.  I think that it would stress the mamma and not be good for the growth of the puppies or their eyes. It would seem that nature's way is to let them be in the dark or a dim light. Thanks

Hi Bettie!  Although light is good for the pups when they are awake, I have to agree with you that at night, it should be dark.  It may stress out the mamma dog, and it may also hinder the opening of the pups eyes.  It would be okay for a small nightlight to be on, maybe that would be a happy medium if your husband is afraid of the mamma not seeing the pups and laying on them.  I hope this helps!
Give mamma dog and those adorable pups tons of kisses for me and congrats on the new babies!