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What could be wrong with my cat.

18 14:54:08

Hi. My cat is just over a year old. Last week I took him to an animal sanctuary
where he was given his yearly shots after being neutered. He was fine when
he came home. However, a few days later I noticed that he didn't seem as
active and then was not eating as much. This Wednesday I took him to the vet
closet to me because he had stopped eating completely and seemed to have
diarrhea. They gave him a shot of antibiotics and some medicine that I was to
continue giving him (Albon- suifadimethoxine). I have been giving him this
medicine as required but he does not seem to be improving at all...and now
he seems to have blood in his feces. He also seems to have a hard time
controlling his bowl movements. I am calling the vet tomorrow as they are not
currently open...but I would like to know if you might know what could be
wrong with him. Thanks.

Stephanie -

Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what is bothering your dog without the benefit of a physical exam.  Express  your concerns to your veterinarian - he/she is aware of your cat's physical condition and can help him get better.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM