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18 15:50:38

Do dogs cry i mean like tears coming out their eyes. and how do you get your dog to obey your commands without taking it to a dog obediance school.

Hi there!  If your dog is crying tears, this means that there is an eye problem.  It could be intropian, where the  lower lashes are inverted, causing friction on the cornea, or it could be blocked tear ducts. It may also be an eye infection. It would be most beneficial to have your veterinarian take a look.  If there is a problem, blindness could be a result without treatment.
Consistancy is the key to training.  Never use physical punishment toward your dog.  If you want your dog to sit, try using treats.  Tell your dog "Sit" and gently push his bottom down so he is sitting.  Repeat "Sit" and give him the treat along with praise.  You can use this for any command.  You must be consistant though.
I hope this helps!