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itching and panting

18 15:14:53

I have a small mixed breed dog, she is over weight by around 3 or 4 lbs.  I had her anal glands removed last year because she was alway having them drained.  But now she is still itching and its to the point that if you just move your hand down her back even so softly her legs starts to move.  she is alway after herself towards her back end, i had her to the vet alot with this problem.  first few times he gave her a shot, the last time he gave her a shot it worked for maybe 2 days then he gave her some kind of pills that you take so many then easy off of them.  Now she is still itching and she is now panting alot.  she really looks miserable.  what can i do for her to maybe suggest to the vet to do to help her?

You are seeing a side effect of the steroid, probably prednisone.  The vet can try a different type of cortisone to stop the itching, like dexamethasone, or they can use a completely different type of drug called ATOPICA to help stop the itching without all of the steroid side effects.