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Questions about a new puppy..

18 15:50:45

A couple of things...I have a puppy that will be 16 wks within the next week. I adopted her from a man who didn't even know what breed she was. I think she's a terrier/rott mix..atleast that's what she looks like so far. I am taking her in for her shots next week..and I've called 2 places who have told me 2 different things about what kind of shots to give her. Can you please tell me at 16 weeks what shots I need to get for her? She's had none..and I don't want her getting things she doesn't need. She also gets the hiccups frequently..but they go away with a quick pick up and then making her drink water..but I'm wondering if this could be a breathing problem I should be worried about?  

1. Rabies and distemper.  If leptospirosis is a problem in your area, then do that one too. It can be added to the distemper vaccine if needed.   Bordetella for upper respitory infections, especially if you are going to go to public places with other dogs around. Also the puppy needs heartworm prevention and flea control regardless of winter comming up.

2. the hiccups I would not worry about :)  especially if she has a good clean exam.