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runny nose

18 15:50:45

my cat is about 1 and a half now. I got her from a barn and was in perfect health. Around 6 months ago he started having runny nose and leaky eyes. He sneezes almost 3 times a day but when he starts sneezing he goes on for minutes and snot goes everywhere. It seems he has hard time breathing, as he cannot breathe through his nose because of the snot. We have taken him to 2 different vets and about 7 different times. Every time he is put on new medicine and every time it lets up a little but comes right back after the meds are done. What do you recommend?

sounds like your cat needs to have a culture and sensitivity done of the snot and some nasal xrays.

this will let you know exactly what organism is growing in there and if its resistant to any antibiotics. also the xrays will let you know if there is an infeciton present in her hard palate/nasal conchi area.

it could be a concurrent herpes/chlamydia infection that arises with stress.

good luck!

ps. find a cats only vet... they know better :)