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my 4 month old blue healer...

18 16:06:17

my 4 month old blue healer has eaten chocolate and coconut candy
all he want s to do is drink and vomit...he will not eat his puppy i need to call my home town vet tonite or will he be ok until
in the morning.  

Chocolate intoxication is dose-dependent and yes you should call your vet.

Chocolate can be toxic, and evenly deadly. Dogs are most commonly affected, due to their ability to find it; however, it is important to remember that cats and other animals are also susceptible to the toxic effects of chocolate.  Chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree. Theobromine is the part of chocolate that is toxic.  Theobromine stimulates the nervous and cardiovascular systems.  Unsweetened or baking chocolate (390 mg/oz) contains 8 times the amount of theobromine as milk chocolate (44 mg/oz). Semi-sweet chocolate (150 mg/oz)  falls in between those two while white contains only a small amount of theobromine. Signs are usually seen within less than 12 hours of chocolate ingestion and include excitement, nervousness, trembling, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, muscle spasms and sometimes coma and death due to heart arrhythmias.  If you suspect that your pet has eaten chocolate, call your veterinarian for advice. The toxicity of theobromine depends on the size of your pet, the type of chocolate, and quantity of chocolate ingested (see table below). There is no specific antidote for theobromine toxicity; therefore supportive medical treatment is indicated and may include medication to induce vomiting (up to 6 hours after ingestion), activated charcoal, IV Fluids, muscle relaxants and heart medications if needed.

Toxic Amounts of Chocolate
Dog's       Amount of         Amount of         Approx. Mg.
Weight        Milk Choc       Unsweet. Choc       Theobromine

5 lb.          4 oz.             .5  oz.              200
10 lbs.         8 oz.            1.0  oz.              400
20 lbs.         1 lb.            2.5  oz.              900
40 lbs.         2.5 lbs.         4.5  oz.             1800
60 lbs.         4 lbs.           7.0  oz.             2700