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scratching issues

18 14:04:31

QUESTION: Hi  I am the one who wrote to you about my 2 dogs itching and said I ruled out corn soy wheat allergy etc and you said you think it's a flea allergy and gave me some products to try.
Over here in the US a popular product from the vet and stores is fipronil/Frontline.
I put it on them yesterdayand they are Still itching.
if you have some insight I'd appreciate it.
Someone suggested dish soap lol and another suggested Skin So Soft by Avon..

ANSWER: Frontline is one of the slowest acting flea products available, so I would suggest using Comfortis monthly or Capstar every second day.
I would avoid using dish soap and any human moisturisers-they are more likely to irritate the skin.
Are you seeing fleas on them? Did you try any of my recommendations? Did anything help?


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ANSWER: Excellent! Problem solved!

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QUESTION: I treated my cat 2 days ago and then I sprayed in the house... I notice the dogs are still itching and I wondered about how long will it take to kill the fleas/for them to quit scratching?  I used fipronil

Do you have a backyard? What did you spray the house with? Frontline takes 24-48 hours to kill each flea and you will get fleas hatching every couple of days if you have had an untreated pet (fleas can lay 50 eggs per day), so it might take a while for the scratching to stop if there are areas of the environment (house, yard, bedding) that haven't been treated for fleas.

The big problem areas are resting areas for all your pets and warm, dark areas like under the house or shady areas under trees.

There is some information here that might help you with the treatment of the environment.

Otherwise you essentially need to wait for the fleas to all hatch from their eggs, jump onto your pets and get killed by the fipronil-this process can take months depending on climate.

Hope that helps a little.