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Dog regurgitating food

18 14:07:03

I have a male miniature schnauzer that has been regurgitating his food for the past few days. He is acting normal, had a regular bowel movement, and has an appetite. He does have a habit of picking up little things in the yard, like sticks, and eating them. I say he is regurgitating his food because it comes out looking whole, sometimes he eats it again if I do not get to it in time. After I noticed the vomiting, I withheld food for at least 12 hours, then gave him a little bit. I am pretty sure he held that down and then I fed him a little bigger meal in the evening, and it ended up coming back up during the night, which he ate. I knew he threw up because of the food residue on the floor. I with held food again for 12 hours and then gave him a little bit. The food came back up and there was a good amount of grass in it that he had eaten. When the regurgitating started, I started giving him a probiotic to help settle his stomach.  I believe he ate something he shouldn't have and is having a hard time getting his stomach back to normal.  Do you have any suggestions on what else I can do for him? Should I give him pepto,try chicken broth and rice, and how long should I expect this to last? Any suggestions would be appreciated. thank you.

There is a difference between reguritating food and vomiting. If he is vomiting with yellow bile involved then he could have eaten something that has irritated his liver and his pancreas. You have to really watch these little dogs as they are a bit prone to developing pancreatitis.

Regurge, on the other hand, can certainly be from an irritation but it can also be from a structual issue, such as an adhesion, a tumor or constriction.

Most of the time a vet will recommend that you raise the food bowl off of the floor to help them slow down their eating.

With vomiting of any type, it is recommended that you withhold food for 24 hours and only give water via ice cubes etc. After 24 hours you re-introduce the food slowly, giving only 1/4 the amount and that's all. The next day you up the amount as long as they are holding it down.

Boiled chicken and rice is certainly a bland,easy diet to start with. Boiled ground turkey, drained, is a very mild food to feed with rice.

If the vomiting or regurgitating continues for more than two days, or with any yellow bile, he really needs to see a vet as soon as possible. Pancreatitis, gastritis, etc. can become very serious quickly so don't wait too long.

I hope he gets well soon. Please let me know how he does.