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c/d food content

18 14:45:50

Hello, I wish to know the WHY of why c/d food is prescription only, through a vet.  It is clearly high-quality food that I expect to pay more for, but I don't understand what is so dangerous/controlled/?? about it that the price must be further inflated by making it available only through a vet.

Further, I have 3 cats, all about 8.5 y/o, all from Humane Society, all 'fixed' when they were under 3 months (by the HS, before I got them).  One is a male, and he is the one who had crystals and needs the c/d diet.  Should I be concerned about the others eating the c/d (I use Hill's brand)?  If so, why?

Thank you!

The food you buy from the vet, including the prescription diets, is actually cheaper than what the pet stores inflate it up to. Most vets only charge the recommended 33% for a food but the pet stores tack on 50% or more. I worked at one for 10 months and saw them do this to their Science Diet and all foods over and over.

C/D and other Hill's brand prescription foods are sold only through a vet because they are prescribed for a certain medical condition. These foods are formulated for this condition and some of them are not meant for life-long use. Hill's has put over 50 years of veterinary research into these foods and that is why they are different then the so-called urinary tract foods on the shelf.

Now we have had many cats from multi-cat households eat the C/D along with the cat with the medical problem with no ill effects. The good thing about C/D is that it is so concentrated that they require very little food daily after a while and owners get away with putting out about 3/4 cup a day for all of them and they are happy. This saves you a bundle of money in the long run. I used to feed K/D to prevent kidney disease to my two cats when only one was old enough to really need it. He lived to be 19 and she to 15 so it must have worked well.

I wouldn't worry about them all eating it but if you feel it's too expensive then buy the girls the Senior Longevity diet and if HE gets into that he should be okay also.

But believe me, if you could buy C/D elsewhere it would cost at least one half times more than what you pay now!!