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blue heeler spitting up all the time

18 16:05:08

I have a 3 yr old female blue heeler that in the last 2 days has been spitting up a lot, not vomiting, with grass in the spit up, kind of like dry heaving or coughing up. Her nose is wet and cool, doesnt really seem sick. I dont know if this is a hair ball trying to come up, she's sick, or we did have our yard treated by Chemlawn last week (although it has rained a lot since). She was also boarded at a vet for 2 nights 10 days ago. Do dogs get 'colds'? Thanks very much for any help you can provide.

Hi Chuck,

sounds like you need to make a trip to the vet just to check on whats going on.

something is going on if your pet is vomiting bile with grass in it. It could be the lawn fertilier, it could be something she contacted at the boarding room.