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my rabbit

18 14:42:48

hi i have a rabbit that is 6 and a half monthes old now but i have noticed a lump growing under neath its neck i have touched this lump and it does not feel hard but its starting to get quite big now can you help me ? please write back .

Rabbits get abscesses that fill up with thick stuff that is called Pasteurella. You need to get your rabbit to the vet and have the lump drained and get the rabbit on antibiotics.

These are not easy to clear up but with persistence you can get rid of them.

Here is a link to a page that explains it.

Read the second paragraph and down.

Here is another one:

Don't freak out about whatever you do, even though it sounds scary. If it was on his jaw I would worry about his teeth.
But you really need to have a vet look it over and look at the lump.

I hope it is minor whatever it is. Please let me know what you find out at the vets.