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My Kitten is sick

18 15:24:28

I got a kitten 2 days ago and it is 8 weeks old. When i got home this afternoon my kitten couldn't walk or move properly and is moaning, it also has dhioria. It has alot of flees but i don't no if that has anything to do with it . When i got the kitten it hadn't started solids properly yet. what is wrong?

I would suggest a visit to your veterinarian.  The diarrhea could be a sign of parasites (worms) and if she has fleas she is likely at the very least to have tapeworms.  Diarrhea can also be caused by viruses, infection and stress.  Whatever the cause in young kittens it can be dangerous as they are easily dehydrated and become weak quickly.

The cause of moaning is not terribly specific, but could be his/her reaction to discomfort from any of the above.  Though the kitten is at an age to be able to be weaned onto solids each kitten is somewhat different and some may take to them slower than others.  Your veterinarian should have formula available if needed.

I hope this helps.  Best of luck to you and your kitten.