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Pomeranian with Seizures

18 15:19:01

my puppy is 2 months old.   I have had him 3 days.  on the first night I woke to check on him and he was stiff.  It scared me I thought he was dead.    The next day same thing.  I took him to ER and was told he was under weight even for a rutt.    His is 8 oz.   Instructions were to feed him milk in morning, lunch (a spoonfull watered down) and a liter size of dinner about 6.   I did this and now I'm hearing that the lack of eating may have caused him to go into shock/seizures.  His glucose was 40 when I took him in.  He was eating on his own this morning when I took him home.  Vet said he was feeding him with syringe gerber but would eat little.

Will he be ok?  How do I care for him.

Hello:  I am glad you have a good vet to help you.  Yes, this is very serious and he needs feeding every 1-2 hours.  Use a syringe and feed him the dog formula milk... Make sure it is the good kind you can get from the Vet or the pet store.

Also, you can get some Pedilyte liquid.  You can give him some by syringe every 3-4 hours.  Get the kind that tastes like bubble gum.
Only give him about 3-4 ccs every feeding.  It has loads of electolytes that will help his body to recover.

Any other questions, call your vet ..... They are there to help you.
All you need to do is ask.

Good luck, you have hard work ahead of you..

Homemade Pedilyte


2 quarts water
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
7 tablespoons sugar
1 packet sugar free kool-aid


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