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anal glandz

18 15:10:48

Why does my groomer refuse to clean the anal glands of my mixed bichone & shit-zue? I didn't get a good look when the vet did it but he did do it differently then what I read on other web sites. So what is the correct way to do it? My (Benny) has been starting to drag his butt around the house since yesterday and I would like to give him some relief if at all possible.
Sincerely, Charlie

If your groomer won't express his glands then fire her and get another groomer. They are a dime a dozen. You need to have the vet show you the proper way to express them because you can cause some major damage to your dog if you don't do it correctly.

Ask him to show you and walk you through doing it yourself. Most people and groomers do it while bathing the dog so you might want to get some shampoo at the vets and just do it all yourself.

Don't follow anything on a web site- have the vet show you in person.
You must be careful with this!