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need help with puppy

18 15:03:07

i got a 8 week old female golden retreiver puppy last weekend she has been in the house sence i got her but i realized she had little red dots on her lower belly on wednesday, she seems healthy but now the little red dots have turned into big redish purple bumps. Can you tell me if she is in danger of a disease or if this is a disease?

Jessica -

Unfortunately, I cannot diagnose what is going on with your pup without the benefit of a physical exam.  

There are several reasons why your puppy may have blisters and pustules on her lower belly.  Red ants, flea bites, or allergy to grass may cause a reaction like the one you describe.  Have her examined by a veterinarian soon to determine what is going on with your dog's skin.

Your veterinarian may recommend a topical ointment or oral antibiotics to treat her symptoms.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM