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Our kittens are not doing so well

18 15:46:37

Thank you in advance for any info you can give me regarding this matter.
It really is a long story but I will make it short because time is very important here.
Our cat gave birth to a total of 6 kittens 3 days ago, then she abondoned them and her mom took over.  Peanut was not even one year old yet.  Anyway, her mom has taken over, and she barely had kittens 8 days ago, but lost them all.  She cried for days, and now she is very content to have taken over her daughters kittens.  We do not know why, but they are dying one by one. Two the first day, and now two today, and our guess is that they are not getting enough food in their bodies.  Now, what do I feed them?  Regular cows milk?  My husband had divised a tube to feed them with.  We just discovered another one dead about 25 minutes ago, and now Im asking for help here.  Please tell me how to go about this.  thanks again.......

you need to go to your local pet store and they have there premade milk for orphaned or kittens that need a little extra help they also have a bottle for the kittens at the pet store too.  That is the best bet and you can even put a heating pad in the bed under some blankets and set it on low.