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Thyroid Medication

18 14:55:31

My 6 yr old Pom has been on Soloxine 1 tab (.1mg) in the am and 1/2 a tab in the evenings for 6 months.  She has been taking this medication for 1 year but it took 6 months to get her dosage right.  Lately I am noticing decreased energy, dry skin, and weight gain again.  I have her booked for bloodwork on Saturday to see where her levels are now. My question is regarding dosage times.  Is there any benefit to taking it once a day instead of twice daily?  I will not make any changes without vet approval, I just would like some opinions before seeing the vet...and I respect your opinion :)
Thank you

I really don't know the reason for a twice a day dosage except to keep the blood levels up more than once. I take the same type of thyroid medicine but only once a day and it stays at the level for 24 hours.
You are right to have her levels checked. In dogs these levels tend top fluctuate more than with humans.

Your doctor can best answer the question about why the twice daily dosage but I know that we have prescribed this medication for many dogs on a once daily basis.