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I want my pits to be calmer

18 14:37:56

My roommate and I have a sweet 3-year-old pit, well-trained and well-mannered. We have recently introduced a a new roommate, also with a pit (15 months). The new one is much more hyper, and makes ours more hyper as a result. Our household is livelier than I would like it to be. We take them to the dog park and give them exercise. They are good dogs, they aren't the pits that end up on the front page and give the breed a bad image. We're nice people who want nice dogs. The younger one barks at passers-by, so I ask my roommates to keep him in the backyard when unattended. My older dog is an absolute angel when left to his own devices, he's allowed in the front yard by himself (the neighbors love him). I'm hoping that the younger one calms down a little bit over the next couple of months. What advice can you give me? What do you think about medication?

Hopefully both of these dogs are neutered. That is the single best thing you can do for this dog and any dog. It will calm them both down.

Medication is not an alternative nor will a vet give you any for a dog that is merely hyper. Training will go a long way with a dog like this. I mean, constant, vigilant training.

Barking in the yard is a sign of a dog that is not trained. Untrained dogs bark uncontrollably.

So find a good kennel club nearby that gives dog training course and get him neutered then trained.

That is the best way to keep these dogs happy and alive for a long time.