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dogs throwing up when very hot

18 15:57:56

I have 2 small papillon cross dogs. The last couple days the house has gotten over 84 degrees F. My Female that is now 7 years old has thrown up several times. She has not been fed anything but her own kibble, except for dinner tonight, she had rice and chicken broth. We Hoped that she could keep that down. She didn't about a half hour past dinner, it all came up. She's spunky and plays and drinks water. I'm just concerned about the vomitting. Is this because of the heat? Is there something that is easier to keep down? She sees the Vet in 2 days for shots. The male has vomitted twice in the last two days, not anywhere near as much as she.

It sounds more like a viral infection since both dogs are sick.  Your best bet is to offer her small amounts of a bland diet such as meat baby food, yogurt, cottage cheese or boiled burger and rice as well as giving her pedialyte.  Since she is older I would recommend having blood tests done when you get to the vet to rule out any underlying kidney or liver disease.