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small black growth on golden

18 15:18:29

I have a 5 1/2 yr. old Golden Retriever. She has developed a small black growth near her eyelash. She also has two on her chin. She has her annual vet check up next month. Should we be concerned and take her sooner. They do not appear to be growing.

Hello Susan:  I believe next month should be fine for her.  Many times they are viral warts that will fall off in a few months.  If they don't fall off the vet can remove them.  If the area gets red, swollen, or any larger, please call your vet.

Also, you can give her some Salmon oil each day - Pure salmon oil in her diet is great for her skin and coat.  ( 1 tablespoon per day)

Another must is an Immune System Booster - NuVET Plus is a great skin and coat supplement for any age doggie.  Call NuVET and order a bottle of the Wafers - She would need 1 per day if she is under 90 lbs.
This is a wafer treat for your golden girl.  Only about .55 cents per day for the NuVET Plus... They don't sell to the public without an order code from a breeder / code 81098 / Use this code to order.
1-800-474-7044   ( NOT sold in any stores)
Go on Auto Ship and get 15% off all your orders.

I hope that this has helped you.  Good Luck!

Marie Peppers
The Doggie Chalet Hotel