Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > Rash/Itch/Eczema


18 15:50:29

My 3-yr. old Shih Tzu female has had an ongoing itchy, rash-type, eczema-type area on her back and near the base of her tail.  I've used quite a few medicated shampoos and creams purchased from PetSmart, but have not yet taken her to the vet. Do you suggest anything specific I may try?

Your best bet is a trip to the vet for an exact diagnosis.  Most likely she has a seconary skin infection that will not go away with all the shampoos or creams in the world.  In the long run, you will spend less money getting the appropriate medication from the vet versus trying to self-medicate AND your dog will be more comfortable.