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Spots or discharge on spayed female dog

18 15:45:14

I have a two year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi who periodically gets bladder inspections due to the way she squats to urinate. After discussion with our vet I am now washing her private area weekly to minimize her getting infected. the other evening after she had urinated she squatted again as if she was going to mark the spot. I noticed she passed three very small drops of blood. The following morning I made sure I got a urine sample and brought it to the vets thinking she got another bladder infection. I was told that it tested negative. Talking with a breeder in our dog club she called that little discharge "virginitess". Not sure of the spelling.
Could you give me a further explanation. She said it is something like a false heat in a spayed female dog.

Vaginitis does not usually result in spotting of blood--usually some mucous-yellow type of discharge.  I would recommend having an x-ray taken to make sure she doesn't have any bladder stones.

Repeat bladder infections can indicate an underlying problem, such as a birth defect like ectoptic ureters, bladder stone as mentioned above or a weak immune system.

I would start by giving her Cranberry capsules...1 twice a day to help prevent some of the infections and seriously consider getting her on an immune stimulant such as Transfer Factor  to help her fight off the infections naturally.

Spayed females should not go into a false heat unless the surgery was not done properly and a piece of ovary was left.