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ticks on my dog

18 14:06:05

My 10 year old female dog has renal impairment (creatinine around 4.5, but stable for months now) and we have kept her going for more than a year with daily fluid therapy and a strict Royal Canine tinned food mixed with plain rice and a tiny bit of minced beef. Unfortunately is covered with ticks some of which we remove with tweezers while she is having her saline drip. My vet says we cannot give her an impregnated collar or administer Frontline because of the toxic nature of these chemicals. She has already had tick-disease which affected her kidneys. Her appetite is normal (HUGE!), she is lively and not vomiting. I live in Thailand where I imagine ticks are endemic because of the warm climate.
Do you have any suggestions for helping remove these ticks?

Thank you.

Without the use of Amitraz (preventic collar) or any other type of topical the only thing that I know of is what you are doing now. Just put on some latex gloves and pull them all out.

Don't worry about leaving heads, etc. Those fall out as the hole they leave heals.

But make sure you wear gloves to prevent yourself from getting any tick-borne illness.