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My cat has sneezing fits

18 15:53:20

I just adopted a cat about five days ago and he is a real ham. Very sweet and overly affectionate. But since the first day he's been home, he sneezes constantly. I mean every 2 or 3 hours he has a sneezing fit. Can cats get colds or allergies? His breath is also smelly like he has the flu or something? What could it be? Is there anything over-the-counter for cats that have colds or allergies?  

This sounds like an upper respiratory infection and he should be seen by a veterinarian.  URIs are very common in shelter cats.  Most likely he will need antibiotics and possible decongestant or antihistamines.  I would not recommend anything over-the-counter without an exact diagnosis of his condition, and just beware that some human medicines are toxic to cats...for example, one tylenol will KILL a cat.