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puppy ate a baby sock

18 16:06:45

Our puppy ate a baby sock.  Help please . . . Is there something I should do?  Or should I just be patient and wait for the four month old chocolate lab to hopefully pass the sock???
Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

Hi Laura!We can look at this situation in two ways..... A four month old lab isn't a tiny little puppy. He/she is probably at a decent weight. A baby sock is very tiny. It should pass no problem. Feeding your dog heavy foods like bread and mashed potatoes should be able to coat the sock enough for it to pass easily.
Another way we can look at this, is by taking your puppy to the veterinarian, the performance of x-rays will be able to acknowledge where the sock is and if it is in a position in which it will be passed easily, or if surgical intervention will be needed.
I would suggest keeping an eye on your puppy. If you see any vomitting or lack of bowel movements, this would indicate that the sock is lodged somewhere within the intestinal tract. Surgical intervention will definately be needed in this case. If your puppy appears to be acting normal, no vomitting occurs, bowel movements are normal and appetite is normal as well, I would not be concerned and assume that the sock has passed.
I hope this has been helpful,