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Open cyst on dogs skin.

18 16:06:46

My wheaten terrier has a cyst which has burst on her skin. It's not the first time she's had one, but the other times they have healed and closed over. This one does not seem to be healing and it continues to ooze, not blood but some other discharge. She is thirteen years old. Our concern is that it is cancer and my wife is reluctant to take her to the vet as she isn't ready to part with her. How should we treat her? She doesn't seem to be in pain, just a lot of licking. Thank you.

Cysts are not cancerous.  The cyst cavity does produce secretions, so the trick with these is to strip out the cyst membrane.  Iactually do this with a laser now.  It is easier on the dog and is less surgically invasive.  Tell your wife not to be afraid of the vet.