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Flacky skin

18 15:57:24

My dog has very flacky skin. He is constantly itching himself and has scratched all the hair off his chest and sides. He licks his feet raw at times and has very little hair on them. I will bath him and in 4 days will smell like a wet dog. It almost looks like cradle cap that babies get. Use to feed him lamb and rice dry dog food, but changed to Science Diet Sensitive skin. Drs. seem to be no help with telling me what is wrong with him. Maybe you can help. He is very misserable.

Thank you,

This is most likely an allergic dermatitis and it is complicated with a secondary bacterial infection (flaky and smelly).  Ask your vet for a short course of steroids, a good antibiotic for the skin, and a good benzoyl peroxide shampoo that you will use for 20 minutes for 3 weeks every other day.