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Cat with sore rear

18 15:48:49

Tooter, my mommy cat is 1 year and has 2 five weeks old healthy kittens.  I took her to the vet on Saturday as she's had diarhea for several days.  She's on Amoxi-drop twice a day.

Her rear is sore, it's the weekend and I forgot to ask the vet what to do for her sore rear end.  Is petroleum jelly ok?

Also, what should i do for one of her kittens, one of his eyes keeps crusting up and I have been carefully cleaning it with warm damp cloth..only to notice in a few hours his eye is wanting to shut again.


You can gently rub the rectum with a baby wipe or just warm water to clean.  I usually apply Desitin to my cat's rectum if she is sore and that works well.  

I would highly recommend deworming mom as well as all the kittens as this could be contributing to the diarrhea even if a stool sample was negative.  

Also, make sure to give plain yogurt to help repopulate the good bacteria in her intestines.

For the little one with the eye trouble, I would give her about 1/4 dropper of the Amoxi twice a day and keep the eye clean.  You can apply COLLOIDAL SILVER from the health food store into the eye 3-4 X a day.  If it is not getting better in a few days, ask the vet for some antibiotic eye ointment.