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FLUTD My 7 year old cat treatment quesetions

18 15:39:37

Our cat was diagnosed with FLUTD. It seemed to come on all of a sudden, she strained at the litter box, and could produce minute amounts of urine. I found drops of blood on the floor near the box. Our vet ran a UA,findings gross hematuria, PH 6, packed w/RBC, no crystals seen.

Our vet prescribed CEFA 2 ML SID, for 10 days. There was  no improvement. Took her in for another UA & X-ray. no stones seen. This time 7.5 pH, no stones seen, Micro: occasional WBC, Many RBC, no crystals. This time Clavamox 62.5MG PO BID X14 was prescribed, along with Amitriptyline 10mg 1/2 SID. In two days the improvement was dramatic, she began to urinate just two to four times per day, about the same volume as before she became ill. I believe our vet attributed her improvement to the Amitriptyline reducing the inflammation.

After that round of meds, time for another UA. PH 7.5, blood non-hemolyzed trace 10, protein 3+, leucocytes 3+, rest WNL. Sediment- some struvite crystals,RBC. Now we are to feed Hills S/D diet food which this cat seems to ABHOR. I can entice her to eat no more than half a can of the canned food (5.5 oz. size) a day. I leave the dry food out, and she actually ate 20 pieces today! And they are tiny. She seems to be comfortable, but now she is urinating just once or twice per day, though the volume is pretty normal.

We're continuing to give the Amitriptyline, but now giving 1/4 BID instead of 1/2 SID, this is better, she isn't as lethargic as when we were giving the once a day dose. I'm supposed to bring her in for another UA in ten days.

She loves plain yogurt, would it be harmful for me to give her some of that, diluted with water, so that her fluid intake would increase? She had loose stools and diarrhea when she was on the antibiotics, but thankfully that's cleared up now.I'm not as worried about her appetite decrease as I am her fluid decrease, which is why I'd like to be able to offer the yogurt-water combo.

Also, I found a website touting the benefits of "Carpon" a natural urinary acidifier composed of "natural botanical berry extract (vaccinium macrocarpon)" which I guess would be categorized as homeopathic? Developed by a veterinarian. Would you recommend trying that? Or should I just wait and hope this Feline S/D food will do the trick? We are supposed to switch to C/D once the crystals are dissolved.

Is this question(s!) too long for this venue? Thank you for listening to my worries and questions.


From what you have written, I understand that your kitty's condition is getting definitely better.:-)

I don't think that yogurt would be harmful, you can feed it.

About the Carpon, it is not a drug I have tried myself, and therefore I can not tell you whether it would be good or harmful. I would advise to stick with your veterinarian's treatment, because using too many drugs at the same time, even though they are so called natural, may be harmful. S/D food has ingredients which are also helpful in acidifying the urine, therefore like I said, adding other medicals is not a good idea.

I hope your cat gets better soon!

Kind Regards,

Caglar Kondu, DVM