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My dog got bitten by another dog

18 14:27:51

Today is Sunday oct.23/11  my dad was walking my poodle and the neighbors dog bit her in the leg she was bleeding and we washed it off my mom put some neosporin on it we also put a gauze on it I want to take her to the vet but my parents tell me that she's fine since she's acting normal but I really don't know what to do most vets are closed I'm 14yrs old and I can't take her by my self what should I do. Please help me.


ANY dog bite is a serious issue and in Texas even more serious due to the huge amount of rabies in that state.

The dog can wait until tomorrow but she MUST be seen by a vet and the bite Must be reported to the vet and the local animal control authorities.

Dog bites can do a lot of damage that you cannot see on the outside, aside from the rabies issue. Your dog DOES need to see a vet tomorrow.

Dogs WILL act normal even when they are really hurt because their instinct tells them that if they act hurt they will be killed and eaten, even though you and I know that isn't true. So her "acting normal" is just that- an act.

Let your parents know all the above. You are a good person for being so concerned about this. Please let me know how she does.