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Claws Lick Granuloma

18 15:40:19

 My 7-yr. old Rottie won't let me trim his claws and they're getting very long on his hind legs.  I can't hold him down long enough to clip them and I have to be very careful because they're black.  Any tricks you can suggest?
 Also, he's had a small patch of lick granuloma (maybe the size of a dime) for about a year now that was originally from a cut he got in the woods during a walk, but he didn't lick it a lot so it wasn't bad,it would heal periodically.  But I wanted him to stop anyway so I sprayed it with bitter apple which he didn't like so now he started a new spot just above the old one and he's a lot more agressive this time.  I was told that antibiotics only work in about 50% of the time and it's pretty much a trial and error process. Can you give me your best suggestion?  I don't want it to get infected. Thank you!

You may have to have him sedated by your vet to trim his nails.

Lick gtanulomas are almost always infected, but the antibiotics cannot penetrate through the scar tissue.

I remove them with my laser and they rarely return in that spot. But as you have seen, once a dog gets into this bad habit, it becomes an obsessive compulsive condition that requires centrally acting drugs like prozac to inhibit their desire to lick obsessively.