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separation anxiety from another animal

18 15:16:13

I have 2 dogs 4 yrs old and brothers.  One is a serious alpha male, I have recently had a child and have to get rid of him for fear of my son being hurt.  These 2 have never been separated, they whine, cry and even bark when they get stuck in different rooms from each other.  I have the perfect person lined up to take nuka and nuka loves him to death.  Part of the problem or question is I have to travel about 9 hrs to get nuka to his new home and will be leaving his brother at home,  I am looking for any information on how to make this transition easier on both of them.  Nuka already is a very nervous dog and has serious separation anxiety from me, so I just want to make this as comfortable as possible for both of them.  Please Help!

Oh boy Ann!  
Not easy -
YOU may need some medication from the vet.
YOU can give Melatonin ( over the counter hormone) for anxiety... It may not help him.

How about you take this question over to our Behavior Experts.....
I hope they can help you on this.

Good Luck!

Marie Peppers, LPN MA
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