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Scar tissue

18 14:09:04

Hello, my dog about a year ago had two pins placed in her elbow and they recently started backing out. So we had our vet remove the pins (which he did). My question is her elbow has a lot of scar tissue built up and is even bumped up, Is there a way to smooth it out so she doesn't have a bump on the side of her arm? Also, I just recently started showing her and it wasn't like that until they backed out.

IF the pins were causing the scar tissue buildup, then when the healing is complete, the elbow scars will recede on their own.  Scars tend to contract after healing.  If there is an elbow hygroma (fluid and scar tissue) from damage to the joint itself, it may require more intense treatment.  It is hard to get elbows to heal because it is a pressure point for the skin and soft bedding is needed.