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startled with no stimulation

18 14:08:48

My maltese is 7 years old, a rescue and we've had her for almost a year.Her shots are updated - heartworm and flea prevention are administered monthly. She has a healthy diet - VERY little people food- eats Nutro brand and "visits" the yard regularly. She will be lying on my lap with her head comfortably placed over my leg. Then all of a sudden she will yelp, jump up and leap off my lap. At first I thought she was sleeping and had a bad dream, but she's awake and it's happening more frequently. Then I thought she may have an injury that was touched - not so, as she loves being pet all over. Now I'm thinking of taking her to the vet. Maybe you can shed some light on this situation. We appreciate your help. We love our pooch! Thanks.

She might be experiencing some nerve pain or arthritis pain in her back or hips. Nerve pain can cause shooting pains in areas where the nerves are inflamed and that will cause the sudden yelp.

Back pain is very common in older dogs so it could be some arthritis in her hips or spine as well.

She really should not be eating ANY people food. This can cause gastric upsets that can lead to gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.

So have the vet look her over and do a hands on exam. Some dogs only quiver when the vet puts his hands in the right place- but quivering is there way of saying ouch.