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Missing the litter box

18 15:58:33

I was wondering if you had any suggestions for our kitten. He was born here in our home, he is 5 months old now. We have 4 other cats, and I have never encountered this problem with any cat! He will not consistently go to the litter box. I have tried different litter, playing with him around the box (he simply had an aversion to it!,giving him treats when he does make it in there etc. His sister had no problem with box training. He has watched her, and the other 4 here, and his mom all go, but at least 50% of the time he goes at the edge by the wall on the carpet. I have encased half the house in plastic after using Nature's miracle to clean up, and recently I bought Cat Attract which he seemed to love, but now he is still hitting and missing...more missing : (  Just cannot understand it. I have 2 boxes, he does not have a deep one, nor one with a top.  Any thoughts on helping the little guy ....and us? Thanks for your time.

HI Joanie!

Litterbox woes just plain suck! I will agree with that!.

This is the rule of thumb with cats.

1 litter box per cat PLUS one extra. (use only cat attract litter with the cat attract-this is VERY important)

Place a box where the kitten is going out of the box by the wall. OR put food bowls there. MOST cats wont eat where they defecate.

Lots of praise when he is in the potty. Also take a stool sample to the vet to be checked for parasites.

If this is URINE he is marking with, TIME FOR NEUTER! Tom cats spray their territory no matter WHAT litter you use. :)

Hope this info is helpful!