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Can my dog get rabies from eating a bone?

18 14:43:42

My 11 week old puppy found a bone outside while my boyfriend was walking her and she brought it in and was chewing on it for a few minutes before I took it away. They said she was too young for rabies shots and I was wondering if it were at all possible for my dog to somehow contract rabies from the marrow in that bone, if the animal it belongs to did indeed have rabies?

Thank you!

I doubt very seriously if an old bone (most likely a cow bone?) would have any type of virus in it after being outside for a while. Rabies is a virus and it requires a warm-blooded animal host to survive.

Dogs can get things like trichinosis worms from cysts deep inside of pork or bear meat bones but that is really rare.

I wouldn't be concerned about it but you were right in taking it away from her. Give her big raw carrots to chew on and she will have great teeth and have a healthy snack for life. My dog has been eating them for 12 yrs.

She can get a rabies shot at 16 weeks.