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18 14:12:14

what would cause my cat to give birth prematurely especially as this is her second litter and is there anyway we can help the kittens survive. they are very under developed. My cat does not seem in any stress and appears to know what is going on as she is acting differently to her last litter. she is probably 2/3 weeks from going full term

I am sorry to hear this about the litter of kittens. It's a sad thing to see so many babies be born and not have a chance to make it.

It is highly doubtful that the kittens will survive being that premature. There are so many causes for early kitten deaths that I wouldn't have space in here to list them.

At the top would be things such as the mother having leukemia, or brucellosis, or some other bacterial infection that causes abortions. There are latent diseases she could have had, or have that aren't apparent. Nutrition also has a lot to do with it, or lack of proper nutrients as well.

She could have been traumatized, or be sick. Age could have something to do with it as well.

You really need to get her and the kittens in to see a vet. If they don't survive, this would be a great time to get her spayed so she won't have to go through this again. You should also have her tested for leukemia, FIV, FIP and feline herpes virus. That will also cause spontaneous abortions.

Basically any litter this premature is an aborted litter.
Get her checked out and then get her spayed. The pounds are full of kittens and cats. Help yours out and prevent any more litters.

I hope that she will be okay. I do hope you kittens will survive, but I know that the chances are low.
I am sorry.