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The fur on my dogs elbows are red/brown

18 15:06:01

Hey, he's an all white husky, 2 years old and his fur on his elbows are discolored.
Is that normal?
Is there a way to remove that coloring?

Not knowing what color they are it's hard to say. If they are reddish brown it could be from him licking them or just from sweating from the elbows, one of the few places dogs sweat from.

Since dogs metabolize iron differently than we do it comes out in their saliva and discolors the fur. That is why you can tell when a dog has been licking excessively somewhere.

There are products on the market that might remove the color and be safe for the dog. Ask your local pet store.
You might want to check his elbows very carefully for cracks or abrasions also. If he is on hard surfaces all the time he will develop big callouses and those can turn into other things.

So get him on a softer surface of some sort.